Cased Caddis Larvae
Building protective cases around themselves, caddis larvae often appear as sticks or other bottom debris to the human eye. However, trout recognize them as an abundant and available food source.
Biot Caddis/Midge Larvae
Free living caddis larvae having escaped from their case and lacking mobility, are easy and familiar prey for trout.
Ascending Caddis
Rising toward the surface, caddis pupa attract considerable attention from trout. Fish this essential pattern dead-drift or twitched on a tight line.
Caddis Index
(Available in sizes #14 - #20 : Brown, Black, Olive, Green, Gray, Tan, October/Orange)
$24 per half doz.

CDC Bubbleback Caddis
Assuming a distinct but elusive image; and differing radically from its conventional counterpart, this style accomodates that unique configuration. Fished in the film with little or no action and highly recommended.
Transitional Caddis
Caddis pupae in transition to the winged adult stage present a brief, distinct feeding opportunity during a hatch. Adding weight to leader allows the fly to be fished underneath when trout lock into subsurface activity.
CDC Biot Caddis Emerger
Extremely effective, this floating pattern brings trout crashing to the surface. Highly recommended.
CDC Fledgling Caddis
Easily visible, this lively and buoyant pattern imitates the motion and appearance of a freshly emerged insect as it struggles to leave the water. DEADLY...
CDC Palmered Caddis Adult
Caddis adults become active on the surface during certain periods of time; with palmered hackle and buoyant CDC wings permit the necessary manipulation needed to duplicate the action of the natural. A great floater on quick riffled water.
CDC Paracaddis
Wise, old veterans of the catch and release war are not easily fooled. The CDC Paracaddis is an excellent choice when the situation demands a realistic pattern.