Midge Index
$24 per half doz.
CDC Biot Midge Pupa
Prior to and during a hatch of these prolific insects, the drifting midge pupae becomes prime trout fare.
They should be fished in or just below the surface film where they can drift in almost countless numbers in the right conditions.
Placid streams and spring creeks in particular usually contain sizeable midge populations as do most lakes. They emerge throughout the season
accounting for some of the most reliable activity on many waters .
The combination of biot and cul-de-canard produces the delicate form and position required to successfully imitate this important stage.
CDC Transitional Midge
As a rule midges are much slower in emerging into the winged stage than other aquatic insects such as mayflies and caddisflies. Midges often remain in a partially emerged state for several minutes during which time they are highly vulnerable. Trout learn that such confined insects cannot fly away and are quick to assault these helpless creatures of at the exclusion of other stages. Fished dry fly style, in the film of lakes and streams.
Midges are slender delicate creatures and we tie this fly with that in mind. Thin bodies of goose biots and soft Cul-de-Canard wings and legs make them very accurate representations of the winged-adult stage of these insects.

CDC Emerging Midge
With a trim, segmented biot body, this pattern addresses the vulnerable and attractive image of an emerging midge pupa fished on the surface, it is a solid option for those times when an adult pattern is not preferred.
CDC Cluster Midge
Midge clusters are a phenomenon known to virtually every tailwater, spring creek and lake fisherman. We added a short Cul-de-Canard wing to our Palmered Midge selection. Though slight, this modification adds improved visibility and floatation to an already deadly style.
CDC Hanging Midge
Excellent floatation and visibility for patterns that drift partially submerged in the film.
CDC Midge Adult
Midges are the year around dry fly. They hatch in even the coldest part of winter and provide some of the best and most dependable surface activity on lakes and streams.
CDC Spent Midge
Midge adults lying flush in the film are easy to over-look by the angler but they are easy pickings for an alert trout.
CDC Spent Midge w/Hackle
A sparse hackle collar added to the CDC Spent Midge increases floatation and visibility. Highly recommended for riffled water.
CDC Flat Wing Midge
A realistic low-floating midge adult that accommodates shy trout in clear, shallow water.